Commercial Battery Storage: An Introduction

Solar installations have gained significant traction due to the business case for solar. It is no longer sufficient for companies to generate renewable energy during the day to meet their ambitious renewable targets, and many are not willing to accept an increase in solar export when expanding their existing system.

Commercial battery storage comes into play here.

If your business needs more on-site renewable energy (and that's all of them), then the right battery is crucial to maximizing the financial benefits and reducing the reliance on grid power. In order to determine whether your business can benefit from battery storage, it is important to understand its functions and applications.

Battery Storage: What Are Its Benefits?

The purpose of Battery Storage is to store energy and dispatch it when you need it. It involves the use of batteries that are charged by your solar system and discharged during peak times or at night. By integrating battery storage with commercial battery storage, a business can convert more solar into usable electricity, increase savings by using cheap on-site renewables, and reduce its reliance on the grid.

Commercial battery storage offers several key advantages, including:

Businesses can reduce grid dependency and ensure a more reliable power supply by integrating battery storage with solar installations, which allows them to store excess energy generated during the day and use it during off-peak periods. Depending on your load profile, a business offsetting 30% of their consumption with a solar system can reach 50-70% comfortably.

Commercial battery storage allows businesses to save on their electricity bills by reducing peak demand charges and shielding themselves from fluctuating electricity prices by relying less on grid electricity. As the cost of batteries continues to drop, the cost of electricity from the grid continues to rise. The payback period for BESS systems of 100kWh - 500kWh is approximately eight years based on recent energy rates.

A battery storage system can provide back-up power during grid outages or emergencies. This is especially useful for industries that require uninterrupted power supply, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and telecommunications.

By using clean and renewable energy sources, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability and mitigate climate change.

Commercial battery storage applications

Battery storage is most commonly used to discharge through nighttime loads. However, that's just one application of commercial battery storage.

Among the less-known applications of battery storage are:

By discharging stored energy during peak hours, businesses can lower a significant charge that makes up their energy bills. Peak shaving occurs during periods of peak electricity consumption when utility rates are much higher.

It refers to the practice of shifting energy consumption from high-demand periods to low-demand ones. With battery storage systems, businesses can store excess energy during off-peak hours and use it during peak hours, thus reducing electricity costs and maintaining grid stability. Get more info about LiFePO4 Solar Battery.

In microgrid applications, commercial battery storage is crucial. Microgrids are localized energy systems that are independent from the main power grid. Businesses can create self-sustaining microgrids that provide reliable electricity, especially in remote areas or at the end of the grid, by combining solar power with battery storage.

An advanced client may also wish to dispatch stored energy into the grid and participate in spot markets such as FCAS and NEM. In addition to saving on energy bills, you can improve your financial position by using your BESS in this way.


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